
Become a Patron

Becoming a Patron of NRTG is a great way to show your support of the organization and arts in Western New York. Funding for the arts has been steadily declining for years; we need your financial support to continue bringing the quality programs you associate with the Niagara Regional Theatre Guild.

Five Patron Levels

NRTG offers five Patron levels, along with the benefits of donating at each level.

  • Diamond Benefactor $1,000 or more
  • Receive four season tickets, and a very prominent listing in our season program book.
  • Gold Patron $500
  • Receive a pair of season tickets, and a prominent listing in our season program book.
  • Silver Patron $250
  • Receive four tickets to a show of your choice and a large listing in our season program book.
  • Bronze Patron $100
  • Receive a pair of tickets to a show of your choice and a listing in our program book in bold letters.
  • Individual Patron $50
  • Receive a pair of tickets and your name listed in our program book.

Niagara Regional Theatre Guild is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, so donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult your tax advisor to be certain that your donation will be deductible.

By Mail

  • 1 Download and print the Patron Form.
  • 2 Fill it out and mail with your check (payable to Niagara Regional Theatre Guild ) to:

By Phone

Call: (716) 260-2319 for more information.


Advertise Your Business With NRTG

Advertising in the NRTG Program Book is a great way to show your support for quality community theatre — and simultaneously get the word out for your business. Whether your business is big or small, your advertisement will reach thousands of theatre patrons each year, with your ad appearing in the NRTG Program Book for 9 performances of all 5 of our mainstage shows. Our patrons will appreciate what your business stands for, and they will always be strongly encouraged by NRTG to show that appreciation by supporting our advertisers.

Many different advertisement sizes are available to fit your advertising needs and budget.

Niagara Regional Theatre Guild is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, so donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult your tax advisor to be certain that your donation will be deductible.

By Mail

  • 1 Print and download our Ad Book Form.
  • 2 Fill it out and mail with your ad copy and your check (payable to Niagara Regional Theatre Guild) to:

If your ad copy is electronic, you can attach it to an email and send it to [email protected]

By Phone

Call: (716) 260-2319 for more information.